
Tune of the Week 1/12/2012: Terry Emm

TerryEmmBannerI can’t remember how long I’m keeping this blog properly, I started it in my Mum’s house at Christmas because I was doing an essay for college about blogging and well, you kinda have to have done it. One of the things I’ve done since that though, is always had a Christmassy Tune of the Week during the first week of December. I will admit, I’m not a huge fan of Christmas, I always feel a little let down by the day itself but I do like the ‘Peace to all men’ sentiments and the goodwill that hover for the couple of weeks before it.

‘Gently’ from Terry Emm was a no brainer for this week’s Tune of the Week, it’s a beautiful delicate track, gorgeous surrounding you with yumminess without becoming saccharin coated Christmas twee.

Terry is from Bedfordshire and has released two albums including one from earlier this year, Petals Fallen Off The Sun, which I’ve been listening to on Spotify. ‘Gently’ is a brand new track which doesn’t appear on the album.

The video, which was animated by Mark Charlton is quite brilliant, showing Terry in his matching coat and hat walking through a Winter landscape. There’s also some dancing candycane 🙂

‘Gently’ is released through Longman Records and availble from iTunes.