Derry/Donegal’s Mojo GoGo release their second EP and second of 2011 on September 9th. The three track ‘Cheats, Chicks and Powders’ EP opens with ‘Romance in the Lie’ an uptempo track which fuses a party beat with nice guitar licks.
The drumbeat on the track predominately uses toms, which is refreshing. It takes me a few listens though to figure out that singer, Niki Pollock’s vocal style reminds me of a cross between Alex Turner and Phil Lynott’s vocal delivery. It’s a decent track, well produced.
For a band that are together less than a year, Mojo GoGo are showing a maturity which can be seen in the arrangements of their songs. ‘Break Me’ shows this. They also show themselves to be competent musicians but on this track the guitar sound is a little overpowering.
‘Lust’ is a clever little track, starting with a drumbeat and a clean guitar sound complimented by great lyrics. Like this one a lot, it’s a midtempo rock track with a serious hint of the blues.
Good effort by Mojo GoGo, if they’ve managed to get to this level in a couple of months, good things should be on the horizon.