Have you heard about this? Kinda cool – They’ll take your old original cassette albums and give you 20% off their CDs! Simple as that! And Yes, the cassettes in the photo are mine, that Susannah Hoffs cassette has ‘My Side of the Bed‘ on it!
So this tape swap, here’s what you need to know!
The History bit:
Golden Discs was born on Dublin’s Tara Street in July of 1962. Over the next five decades, they opened more than fifty stores, employed thousands of dedicated, music loving employees and sold millions of albums. Between vinyl, cassette, VHS, CD, DVD and MP3s, it’s reckoned that amount is more than 100 million copies. They’ve lived through five decades of sounds from Elvis to Queen, Beatles to Bieber, Aretha to Gaga, Dylan to Adele, Zeppelin to Eminem, Hendrix to Metallica, ZZ Top to Jay-Z, the list is infinite.
A half a century later and they continue to thrive, bringing music to the people of Ireland, with fifteen stores in locations across the nation, from Dublin to Cork, Waterford to Westmeath and many stops along the way. To celebrate their huge jubilee birthday and to say a simple thanks to all their customers over the years, Golden Discs are offering music fans the chance to update their CD collections with The Golden Discs Classic Tape Swap! Golden Discs will offer a good home to those unloved and unplayed cassette tapes that are sitting in dusty boxes in attics across the nation.
So what’s the deal with the Tape Swap?
Golden Discs invite Ireland to take part in The Golden Discs Classic Tape Swap. The call has gone out to dig out those old original classic cassette albums and bring them into a nearest Golden Discs store, where music lovers can swap each cassette* for a 20% discount off a brand new shiny CD! It can be any CD in-store from retro albums to brand new releases. Customers can choose from compilation collections or pick up a brand new CD box-set.
Cassette tapes presented in The Golden Discs Classic Tape Swap must be original copies of an album – no bootlegs, dodgy copies or pause-play-record tapes of The Fanning Show, just plain old fashioned albums on crinkly cassette tape! Check out www.goldendiscs.ie/classictapeswap for all the details and please make sure to check the terms and conditions.
Customers are limited to trade in five cassette albums per transaction and can only swap tapes for CD product. The Golden Discs Classic Tape Swap offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, promotion or discount.
*One original album cassette tape = one CD discounted by 20%
Not a bad deal, might see if I can find my old tape collection of Ten Sharp and do something useful with them!