Albatross is the new film directed by Niall MacCormick which hits movie theatres this Friday. It tells the story of Emelia, a loveable rogue who seemingly has no cares in the world. She starts a cleaning job at The Cliff House, a B&B owned by the totally dysfunctional Fischers and immediately makes a mark with the family.
While Beth Fischer is trying to get to university in Oxford, rebel Emelia wants to write a book, believing she is related to Arthur Conan Doyle. The web of friendship gets tangled a little more when Jonathan Fischer (Sebastian Koch), himself an author, suffering from writer’s block, offers to give Emelia some ‘creative writing’ lessons.
This is an inspiring story about friendship, love, honesty and finding yourself no matter what age. It’s well told and you can’t help but be captivated by Jessica Brown Findlay who plays Emelia. Her character is beautifully played as her personality infects everyone she meets.
Definitely worth a watch.
I have one question. at 1.38 this shot is reversed for the trailer? Why? When Beth is in the car next to her Dad in this scene she is sitting on the right side of the screen, as in Irish/UK cars.. any ideas?