Show 5 of The London Ear, every week things are settling down a bit more, getting more used to London, the scene and getting to know more people in bands and the industry here. Which is all good, it means I can pass that info onto you, the awesome listeners of The London Ear.
On this week’s show I chatted to Daniel Clarke from Animal Beats, here’s what happened:
1. The London Ear Intro
2. Le Galaxie: Lucy Was Here
3. Cfit: Coke and Spiriters
4. Disclosure: Help Me Lose My Mind
5. Tiny Vinyls: Hide in the Shadows
6. Little Ghosts: 3AM
7. Young Rebel Set: The Lash of the Whip
8. Idiot Songs: Devils
9. Deptford Goth: Union
10. King Kartel: Not Done Fighting
11. Interview with Daniel from Animal Beats
12. Animal Beats: Wondering
13. Band 66: Planet Earth
14. Public Service Broadcasting: Night Mail
15. Keith Moss and The Tightrope Walkers: Fat Men Have to Eat
Thanks for listening, you can listen live every Wednesday at 1400 and the repeat on Sunday nights at 2100. You can listen to the show again on the RTE player. Here’s the catch, on the player The London Ear is still showing up under the name of my old Dublin based show, Culture Cafe so search for that instead.
If you are in a band based in Ireland or the UK and would like to get involved in the show, email me nessy @ (take out the gaps)
Til next time!