Sanskrit: Midweek Blues Review

sanskrit Monaghan band Sanzskrit are back with a new single. It’s the first we’ve heard of them since debut, After the Wedding, which was a good solid start for the band.

‘Midweek Blues’ threw me off to start, it’s a lot more poppy and mainstream than I was expecting. The accordion sound coupled with the bass sound, give it a definite Oirish sound which I’m not a huge fan of. But it’s a damn catchy track, you hit the chorus before you’ve even realised and you’ll be humming it all day.

If the guys box clever here, with a little more sparseness in the production they could find themselves in Noah & The Whale/ Mumford & Sons territory. It will be interesting to see what direction the new album, ‘Carving Our Names in Trees’, takes.

Midweek Blues is available for Free Download from Bandcamp or from below.

Check out the Video!