I have been looking forward to this since December hit, DJ Earworm’s mash up of USA’s Top 25 tracks of the year. Loving it! You can get a full list of who’s included and a download from here.
DJ Earworm has said on his YouTube channel ‘It doesn’t match Billboard’s year-end list, since I’m basing it off of the weekly lists this year. This allows me to include big hits from the last portion of the year, which have always been noticable absent. Because of the Billboard’s early cut off date and their emphasis on chart longevity, songs that are released in the last four months of the year are either split between the two years or moved to the next year, even though the song was most popular during this year. I also don’t want a track appearing two years in a row just because it happened to be peaking right at the cutoff date. From my perspective, a song belongs in the year it peaked, not the year it ended its run.’