Culture Cafe on RTE 2XM Show 11 Playlist and Podcast 5/10/2011

Culture Cafe 11Show 11: I hope you are enjoying the shows as much as I’m enjoying getting them all together.. and if you haven’t lsitened yet.. it’s never too late to start!

Here’s what happened:

1. Crossroads: DJ Flip & Freezemaster Slick

2: The Plea: Odyssey

3. Chat with Eric Fraad of Ex about Shipwrecked

4. Lana Del Ray: Blue Jeans

5. Chat with Oonagh Young about Time Coloured Place exhibition (part 1)

6. Invisible Alan: Chubby Little Nerd

7. Chat with Oonagh Young (Part 2)

8. Tom Vex: Aroused

9. Author Maeve Binchey’s memories of Eason’s at the launch of their 125th Birthday celebrations

10. Event Guide with Kev

11. Cloud Control: Death Cloud (This Week’s Recommended Free Legal Download available from

12.Tribes: Sappho

13. Chat with Marie and Geoff from The Brilliant Things

14. The Brilliant Things: Something to Say

Thanks for listening, the podcast contains all the interviews and I will have an extended interview with Oonagh Young online later today. Culture Cafe is broadcast online, on DAB and on UPC channel 944, every Wednesday at 1000 and repeated every Sunday at 2100