Had a good day today, went to the Hugh Lane gallery in Dublin, remembered why I love Paris so much! Had a look at some works by Degas, Manet, Osbourne.. really liked Sean Scully’s work especially ‘Sandra’ and I, of course must mention the unbelieveable work by Yinka Shonibare, inspired by Gulliver’s Travels.
I also bought Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray so a bit of an arty day all round.
I got confirmation also about my show on DCUFm. So now I’m trying to come up with a name for it.. currently at number one is… NessyTime, like HammerTime ?! I’m also going to be looking for some fellow DCU students to do some bits on the show… I’m going to make the show a Nessy Production for DCU Fm!
Also on the Nessy Productions front, I’ve been working like a maniac story boarding m first music video.. and before this one has even been started I’ve been asked to do a second one 🙂 So one is for a rock band and the second for a Hip Hop emcee ! Looking forward to both!
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