I love Borough Market. I love the buzz, the atmosphere, the food, the colour. I love wandering and seeing fruits and veg I’ve only ever heard about on telly. I love having an array of vegetarian food to choose from when I’m getting a bite to eat.
Tradespeople, staff, business owners and customers have all been affected by what happened in the area on June 3rd. But, as the market reopens we have to remember what Borough Market stands for, what we love about it and we need to go back, we need to visit and we need to give the businesses there our custom.
Green Market
Myself and Talulah often pop into Borough Market on a Saturday afternoon for a bite of lunch. The street food on offer is second to none. As a veggie, it’s almost like there are too many options. It takes me ages to make up my mind as to what to eat. A lot of the food stalls I eat from are in Green Market. Indian, Thai, Ethiopian, vegan, it’s all there. If you’re a meat eater, there’s everything including burgers and German sausages.
Once the main course has settled, it then time to roam for some desserts. Again, everything from the most delicious cheesecake and fudge I’ve ever tasted to the stall that always has a queue. A stall complete with free from options including dairy free. I forget the names of the stalls, it’s doesn’t matter what their names are. These guys are the material that make Borough Market, they are the very fabric of the place.
A quick skip across to Middle Road brings you to Turnips. I love Turnips – the shop, but actually dislike the turnip vegetable itself. (Please don’t hold that against me). These guys know how to get the best of the best. You might pay a little more than you would in your local supermarket but the quality and standard of produce in their emporium is mightily impressive.
I’ve walked around Turnips in awe at the rows of pumpkin and winter squash of every variety. It’s a cornucopia of delights. Heard of some strange herb or veg on a TV show? I’ve been in Turnips and exclaimed ‘Oh, THAT’S what it is!’. So many gorgeous foods, I always wish I had a bigger fridge!
Full of Yummy Goodness
I never remember the names of the meat eating establishments in Borough Market, for that I apologise. Normally, I go one way and get the food I want to eat, Talulah goes the other. Then we find a spot and munch. The whole place is full of yummy goodness, to eat on the spot and to bring home.
Some other favourites include the Chegworth Valley shop. I can’t pass without getting a bottle of their apple juice. During winter, you can get a hot cup to have at the market. They’ve also got a spiced blend. I always get a couple to bring home for the long dark evenings.
There’s a stall that sells mushroom pate (gorgeous), a French shop that sells mustards and condiments. Highly recommend the tarragon mustard. The Spanish shop that’s the best place to get all your ingredients for paella.
I could go on.
Visit Borough Market
The traders of Borough Market now need our support, the staff need our support. These guys are independent traders and ten days of absolutely no business will affect their livelihoods and the future of their enterprises. We need to go visit and enjoy savour everything we’ve always loved about the place. We’ll never forget those who lost their lives, we won’t forget the injured.
Borough Market has always been a bustling part of London. It’s been somewhere that tourists flock to and will again be flocking to again. It’s somewhere people go to restaurants for meals, for an after work drink, for laugh, to have fun.
I know where I’m going for lunch this weekend, will you join me?
Apples at Turnips