Working under the moniker, Fins A Luminous, Joe Bond and Ross Saunders have recently released a AA single. ‘Setting Souls’ is the A side, while ‘Funeral Shake’ is the AA.
‘Setting Souls’ immediately grabbed attention, dark electronica that makes you want to dance, with timelessly clever soulful vocal line that could be from any era. The track rises and falls beautifully til it’s crescendo.
‘Setting Souls’ is accompanied by ‘Funeral Shake’, complete with its layered understated grunged sonic landscape, you’ll hear something different every time you listen. It’s airy, has some really great guitar work, so subtle that you won’t even realise it’s there.
This AA release shows Fin A Luminous to be talented producers, who know how to showcase their talent. The two tracks show different sides of the pair. Initially it was ‘Setting Souls’ that made me take notice but ‘Funeral Shake’ has become a favourite, two very different tracks that work fantastically both together and apart.
A really good introduction to the work of Fins A Luminous. That’s why they’re both Tunes of the Week.
You can check out previous releases on Soundcloud