It can be hard keeping up with new Irish music when you’re living abroad. I’m not too far away but it can be easy to lose track. One Irish act that almost passed me by were Rusanango Family and thanks has to go to Goldenplec’s Plec Picks for 2016 for pointing me in their direction.
Heathrow was a stunning track describing the arrival of a refugee in London’s main airport. ‘Lights On’ follows on from that looking at their own arrival in Ireland in 2001.
The Limerick raised African born lads tell the story of their lives and getting to this point with panache and vigor. Production on the track stands shoulder to shoulder with hip hop at the top of the game. With the release of their album ‘Let the Dead Bury the Dead’, recent exposure in Pitchfork and the support of The Rubberbandits’ Blindboy the future is looking extremely bright for God Knows, MuRli, and mynameisjOhn.
Press play and turn it up, excellent stuff!
If you can’t see the video above.. you’ll find it here.
Photo from here © Aaron Corr