Hello! So we’re getting stuck into 2017, the first full work week is now over, things are starting to get back to normal.
Interview with David Lyttle
On today’s show I was delighted to be able to chat to David Lyttle. David is from Co. Armagh and was the first Irish musician to be nominated for a MOBO award.
David’s music will take him on adventures to California and to China later this year and it was lovely to to able to hear about how David wants to get back to basics and find out what makes audiences tick.
You can find out more about David on his website, on Twitter and on Facebook.
The London Ear on RTÉ 2XM // Show 142 January 14 2017
Here’s what happened:
1.Billy Bibby and The Wry Smiles: Substitute
2. Conversation with David Lyttle (Part One)
3. Talib Kweli Feat: Curren$y, Kendrick Lemar and Glen Reynolds: Push Through
4. Conversation with David Lyttle (Part Two)
5. David Lyttle Feat Rhea Lyttle and Zane : Game Boy
6. Conversation with David Lyttle (Part Three)
7. David Lyttle Feat Talib Kweli: The Second Line
8. Bad Bones: Beg
Listen Again
Thanks for listening, The London Ear broadcast on DAB radio, Saorview and outside Ireland you can listen online.You can listen to the show again on the RTE player. The show is broadcast every Saturday at 1300.
Don’t forget to check out the RTE 2XM website. You can keep up with me here.
Check out The London Ear on Facebook and Twitter
Photo of David taken from here