I really enjoyed chatting both on air and off air to this week’s guests on the show.
Chris Anderson from elephants and castles
I’ve know Chris for about two years now. His mum is from Co Roscommon and along with his bandmate Robin Spencer, makes up elephants and castles. The Irish connection continues with Robin whose wife is from our lovely island.
I love elephants and castles tell stories. They look at the world around them, how neighbourhoods are changing, how life changes and incorporate that into their music. There’s not enough social commentary in music, if you ask me.
Their new EP ‘What’s Left for Larry and Janet?’ is out now and features the track ‘Red Lemonade’ which we’ve played on the show. They’re launching their EP in Deptford Cinema on December 4th, Get there if you can.
You can find elephants and castles on Facebook, Twitter and their website.
Conor Scully’s Projections
Conor Scully is an Irish architect based in London. In this exhibition which opens on Thursday 8th December, he incorporates a 3D spaces with visual and audio projections to tell stories of the Irish diaspora from 1916 to now. Step forward, you move forward in time, step back, you move back in time. (We’re going to say it’s like time travelling)
Conor explained how he has incorporated industrial building materials to create this unique exhibition. Sound really interesting, I can’t wait to walk through the exhibition.
You can find Conor on Twitter and his website.
The London Ear on RTÉ 2XM // Show 137 // December 3 2016 // Playlist
Here’s what happened:
1. QTY: Rodeo
2. elephants and castles: Concrete Love
3. Chat with Chris from elephants and castles
4. elephants and castles: What’s Left for Larry and Janet?
5. Chat with Chris from elephants and castles Part 2
6. elephants and castles: Red Lemonade
7. Chat with Conor Scully about Projections
8. Tayne: Dreams
Listen Again
Thanks for listening, The London Ear broadcast on DAB radio, Saorview and outside Ireland you can listen online.You can listen to the show again on the RTE player. The show is broadcast every Saturday at 1300.
Don’t forget to check out the RTE 2XM website. You can keep up with me here.
Check out The London Ear on Facebook and Twitter