The London Ear #460 with Andrew, Pursued by Dogs The London Ear on RTÉ 2XM November 25, 2023 2 min read
Tune of the Week: 21/1/2011 Tune Of The Week 1 min readLast week this track was a serious contender for Tune of the Week. This week it has been all over...
Snowy Saturday Night Film / TV 1 min readMyself and Maeve decided to go get some chips.. and ran into a snowstorm.. two and a half hours later...
Music: Promotion and Groundwork – How to.. Music 8 min readLately I’ve been noticing that while more and more bands seem to be releasing material, fewer of them are actually...
Tune Of The Week 30/7/09 Music 1 min readIve been stuck here in Dublin all Summer and cant fly.. grr! Thank God I got away to France before...