The London Ear #460 with Andrew, Pursued by Dogs The London Ear on RTÉ 2XM November 25, 2023 2 min read
Tips for Musicians // Sending Your Music To Press Music 4 min readTips for Musicians // Sending Your Music To Press You’ve got your music, your masterpiece ready for release. You’re going...
What Kind of Blogger Am I ? Blogging 1 min readOver the past while, I’ve joined a number of blogger groups on Facebook. To me, back when I started this...
One Year On // #MarRefMemories // I went #HometoVote LGBTQ 15 min readOne Year On // #MarRefMemories // I went #HometoVote May 22 2015. It’s some ridiculously early time. I’m slightly wrecked...
Internet for Bands: 101 Music 5 min readIt still baffles me sometimes at how bands use or don’t use the internet. If you are in a band...