Social Media to the Rescue


Last night myself and a college buddy were chatting outside our beloved school of intellectual enlightenment. It was getting late and we said our farewells.

I turned towards the pedestrian lights to cross the road and spotted a wallet on the ground in front of me. I looked around to see if the owner was near but there was no one around. I checked inside, saw a name, bank cards and some cash. Why do we never put our own number in our wallet?

I saw the owner was a student but not in our college.. I’d just have to left a message at their college reception for them.

I got home, had another look to see if there was an address or a number and decided to tweet if anyone knew the person. I then went to Facebook and did a search for the person.

I found both them and their boyfriend, sent a message and got a reply a couple of hours later. I had also got two replies from Twitter, with contact details for the person.

The wallet was returned to the owner 14 hours after I found the wallet.

Yay for social media!