What is The London Ear?
For the past five and a half years, I’ve been presenting a radio show on RTÉ2XM. When I moved to London, almost three and a half years ago, I changed the arts and culture show, Culture Café, into The London Ear.
If we’re friends on Facebook or Twitter, or you visit my site, you’ll see weekly updates about The London Ear. But what is it?
Since moving to London, The London Ear has changed from a predominantly music show to a show to include more of the Irish community in London. It’s not just about what I see in London, it’s about Irish people and how they are contributing to life in London.
The show still does have an arts slant, chatting and theatre, art, music and we’ve featured playwrights, actors, musicians and London based Irish groups who work with the Irish community in London.
The London Ear is a hobby, I don’t get paid, it’s something I do after work and very much enjoy. But I am a team of one.
Get Involved, Would you like to be featured?
If you’re Irish in London or in the UK and you’re involved in something you think I’d be interested in, please get in touch. I have no doubt that I’ve missed events, projects and happenings that should have covered.
Let me know, send me an email nessy @ nessymon.com
Irish Diaspora around the World
Lots of us joined what was called Generation Emigration and left Ireland, some by choice, some by necessity. But we all seem to have one thing in common. Whether we plan on staying in our adopted homes or are returning to Ireland, we contribute to life abroad. Each of us represent our little island where ever we go.
Just because you’re not in London or not in the UK, that doesn’t rule you out. We’d love to hear from you. We’ve had people from the New York, Norway, Nashville, Barcelona and more on the show. Get in touch and let me know about your project, your art, your life outside Ireland.
How can I listen to The London Ear
The radio show is broadcast every Saturday at 1300 GMT on DAB in Ireland on RTÉ 2XM. You can listen live online or listen on demand through the RTÉ player. You can also check out each episode on Mixcloud.
You can follow each episode here on my little website or on the RTÉ 2XM website.
Check out The London Ear on Facebook and Twitter
So there is it, The London Ear, we’ve had musicians, actors, writers, theatre directors and many more on the show, what would you like me to feature next? Get in touch, it’s your show, a radio show for the Irish diaspora and a voice for the Irish community in London.
Tell me what you want to hear.