Nugget: Irish Tune ft. Siyo & Class A’z

Over the past few years Class A’z have been working brilliantly as a genuine Irish hiphop collective. Redzer, Terawrizt and Co. have brightened up the Dubin scene. The cause has also got a nice shot to the arm with Nucentz winning the Spin1038 competition to have Lupe Fiasco add a verse to his track.

‘Irish Tune’ is taken from Nugget‘s second album ‘Ready to Diet’ the follow up to the Ballyfermot native’s ‘The Nugget You Love to Hate’ which features the immense ‘You Fat Bastard’ ( I have been known to go round singing this particular track – a lot)

These guys are the real deal and pull no punches. If you want a quick guide to Irish Hip Hop check out:

Most of these are available from here. Amazing talents and really nice guys.