In sickness and…

So it’s been a while since I updated.. I was ill – still am but getting there slowly.

To cut a long story short, my leg got really sore and I couldn’t walk on it – My GP told me to go to the hospital for a scan. I had a blood clot in my knee. The Doctors in A & E didn’t give me a prescription to tell me that I had to have daily injections to break it up, they told me I needed to take Panadol and Neurofen. Oh I got crutches!

Nearly two weeks later my leg is worse than it was so I go back to A&E and they admit me straight away. because i hadnt received the daily injections the blood clot grew and had moved in the deep veins so now I have Deep Vein Thrombosis! thanks Doc! I really appreciate you messing up my leg, nevermind my summer!

I was in hospital for nine days i think and three weeks after getting out its still sore and I cant really walk on it. Took a few steps but my leg looked weird after it.

So for the past six weeks Ive been on crutches and have a leg and foot swollen to the size of a beachball… its just so slow – Can’t fly and have to be on medication for at least six months – at least Pudser cat is keeping me company