Yesterday the world was treated to the new video from Madonna and she beautifully has a tongue in cheek dig at the music world, plays up celebrity, her past career, Americana, the Superbowl and still manages to have herself declared the Queen of Pop.
Even as the video to ‘Give Me All Your Luvin’ starts the fifties diner style font immediately grabs you. The colours and brashness of this brought the style of David LaChapelle to mind as it does again at 2.13 when Nicki Minaj does her thang. David, would have gone a tad further though I think. This video was directed by Megaforce, the er, force, behind Kid Cudi’s Pursuit of Happiness.
The text though, shows Madonna to be a savvy brain, knowing where her luxury life comes from, heck she spoke about it on Graham Norton. At the moment, it’s the Superbowl and the world wide audience that will see her perform. Cleverly, football players are scattered throughout the video running after her every whim. Some of these dalliances though, also reflect her musical career.
M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj lead a team of faceless cloned cheerleaders, while Madge pushes a pram? Maybe this is where she is actually acknowledging that she is getting a bit older but it does seem to represent how all the Gagas, Britneys & Co. have tried to follow in her footsteps. Madge has said how both M.I.A. and Minaj are independent, thinking artists who she admires. She gives the wannabes a nice little poke with the words ‘Every record sounds the same, you have to step into my world’.
‘Material Girl’ is referenced, obviously, as the footballers carry her Royalness and lay their jackets down for her but Madge can see through them and their wealth. ‘You’ll do fine as long as you don’t lie to me and pretend to be what you’re not.’ The footballers later appear as mounted trophies in ‘my world’.
So by now, we know what the track is about but Madonna doesn’t leave it there. She gets M.I.A and Nicki Minaj chanting her name. This will be great for the Superbowl half time show for audience participation but also she’s not afraid to echo the devotion and deity factor she has from her many fans. It’s a tongue in cheek ‘Yay me!’.
The sheer amount of imagery in this video is staggering. The footballers let Madonna down into ‘her world’ where we also see Nicki Minaj and M.I.A, standing on glass platforms held up by the red jerseyed footballers you are obviously representing the press, media and the pedestal that they put artists on. The trio then partake in a choreographed dance which has throw backs to early Madonna routines. In this section she also seems to distance herself from the Britney kiss as the clone cheerleaders reenact the scene from 2003’s VMAs. Or is this Madge saying something else entirely?
It’s big, it’s brash, it’s loud and in your face awesome. The one image I’m still trying to decipher is Madonna breastfeeding a doll, maybe more to do with the wannabes or maybe Madge is just trying to mess with my head. Either way, this is a piece of poptastic brilliance. The Queen of Pop has returned and overthrown the imitators.
Give Me All Your Luvin’ is taken from Madonna’s new album MDNA.
All lyrics are copyright Madonna and are used only for reference.