
Free Download: Miss Kate – You Took The Life


I’ll be honest, I had heard the name Miss Kate but never took the time to investigate what was going on or who Miss Kate was. Then I heard this. This is the Black Magic Mix of Took the Life and is a intelligent, sophisticated piece of music taking elements of pop and mixing it up with contemporary urban beats and a dash of blues.

This version of the track is supposedly available for 24 hours only but it’s still available to download to get to it pronto! You can download the track from the widget below or if your on a mobile device from Soundcloud

Miss Kate has worked not only as a musician but also as an actress and her songwriting kicked off in New York in 2006. Back In Ireland she has been working with producer Jonathan Black and also with DJ Bobofunk.

While you’re here you may as well check out the video, made with an iPhone and a white background in Kate’s kitchen. All the words were projected in real time, no funny after effects needed.