Do we know yet how we actually address the 2010s? It’s more than teens and tens seems a bit weird to me to be honest.
It’s New Year’s Eve 2019 and I guess a time to reflect. 20 (!) years ago we were all awaiting Doomsday with the Millennium bug and I ended up at a house party in a garage in Oldcastle, Co. Meath on New Year’s Eve.
10 years ago, in 2009, I was in Dublin, learning how to walk properly again, having been on crutches for 27 weeks.(Nightmare).
New Year’s is always a strange one, I mean, time as we know it is a human construct to give a bit of order to the world. Realistically a ‘new year’ could start on August 27th, couldn’t it?
Anyway, as we sit, analyse and beat ourselves up over what we have and haven’t achieved since 2010 here’s a quick run down of some of the good, the bad and the downright ugly.
Worse thing to happen in the 2010s – My sis got cancer
Best thing to happen: My sis kicked cancer’s ass
Second best thing to happen: Ireland voted for Marriage Equality and then Repealed the Eighth!
- I spent a second decade with the best partner anyone could dream of, yes Tahlula, that’s you 🙂
- I got my Bachelor of Science.
- I turned 40
- I got my own radio show on a national broadcaster, thanks RTÉ!
- I had the opportunity to interview some amazing guests, thanks to my radio shows, my blog and Goldenplec, who I also reviewed some amazing gigs for.
- I moved country for the third time.
- I got new nieces and nephews.
Music in 2010s
My musical hero, George Michael died in 2016 and my heart was broken.
I got to meet Andrew Ridgeley in 2019.

My vinyl collection grew. I might add, I never stopped buying vinyl. Everyone else just started.
Some of the music that has stuck with my from this decade include:
- Shura: Nothing’s Real,
- The Weeknd: Starboy
- Jamie XX: In Colour,
- Everything Everything: Man Alive,
- Robyn: Body Talk
- The War on Drugs: Lost in a Dream, A Deeper Understanding,
- David Bowie: Blackstar
- M83: Hurry Up We’re Dreaming
- Christine and The Queens: Chris
- Frank Ocean: Channel Orange
- James Blake: debut
- The 1975: debut
- Calvin Harris’ 18 Months
- Erland Cooper: Sule Skerry
That’s not even going near Irish acts. There have been so many good Irish acts over the past decade. There have always been great Irish music acts but I think during this decade, Irish acts have elevated themselves to a level where, for example, I’m thrilled I can play Irish acts alongside major international acts on my radio show and you can’t tell the difference in production values.
A number of things have contributed to this, I think. Spotify and streaming services have opened up many more genres and styles to listeners. Inspiration and different production techniques are everywhere. Better, faster computers and software have allowed ‘bedroom’ producers to achieve standards that previously would have cost a fortune. If you have the talent, all that is stopping you now is time and determination.
Meet Your Heroes
I love Baz Luhrmann, I think the man is a genius. I bumped into him in St. Pancras Station in London, took a photo to prove it.
I wouldn’t have said this before but since George died, I’m a firm believer in meeting your heroes, if you have the opportunity.
I’m lucky to have met Baz and have a quick chat. In 2009, I met David LaChappelle. Then, in 2019, teenage me swooned over meeting Andrew Ridgeley. I always wanted to interview or meet George Michael. But, I wouldn’t want to intrude on anyone so never made the effort. Now, that George isn’t here, I say ‘Meet Your Heroes!’

Go Sports!
- The San Francisco Giants went from being crap to winning the World Series in 2010, 2012 and 2014. Amazing.
- My sis made me a Madison Bumgarner Jersey cake for my 40th birthday.
- Got to see the New York Yankees and The Boston Red Sox in 34 degree heat in London. 2 games – 50 runs.
- Liverpool won the Champions League and became World Club Champions.

There are tonnes of really negative things that have happened too. Everyone has ups and downs. This time of year it can be easy to put ourselves in competition with others. Please remember, you’re not competing with anyone else. Enjoy your life, live it to the fullest, and live it YOUR way. Hope you all have a wonderful New Year, I wish the best for you all.