If you haven’t popped along to The Copper House Gallery to see The Cold Edge yet, I would recommend that you do.
Dave Walsh is a polar photographer, writer and activist and took these beautiful shots while he was in the Arctic and the Antarctic. The exhibition is running until September 29th and are breathtakingly beautiful. They possess beautiful colours and are quite alien really to what we would see every day.
I was lucky enough to chat to Dave on Culture Cafe last week, you can listen to our chat on the podcast, it starts 12mins 15secs in.
The exhibition has been described as ‘ethereal photographs of the unforgiving wilderness, wild animals and blue icebergs question our romantic relationship with remote, harsh and pristine environments. The images resonate with a quiet tension; all may not be right in the Garden of Eden.’
Check it out, there’s even a photograph of the Doomsday vault !