Here’s the playlist and podcast of Show 33 of Culture Cafe on RTÉ 2XM, thanks to my guests and thanks for listening!
1. DJ Flip & Freezemaster Slick: Crossroads
2. Azealia Banks: 212
3. Chat with Rachel O’Kelly of Media Uprise
4. Breton: Sandpaper
5. Blondes: Wine
6. Chat with Shauna Lyons, of Dublin Theatre Festival about Play on Initative
7. Born Blonde: I Just Wanna Be
8. The Animators: Marvellous
9. Chat with Artist Daragh Hughes about his ‘Black and White’ exhibition in the Sebastian Guinness Gallery
10. aidan: Bells of the Morning
11. Robb Murphy: Love in Abundance
12. Chat with singer songwriter Gareth Dunlop
13. Gareth Dunlop: Find Your Way Back Home
14. The Aftermath: In Loneliness Lives Love
Thanks again for listening! If you have any arty events coming up please get in touch nessy @ (take out the gaps)