Culture Cafe: 25/03/2010

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Episode 23:

The Dogs were against me tonight.. Here’s what I got up to:

1. DJ Flip & Freezemaster Slick
2. Placebo: Nancy Boy
3. Unkle: Natural Selections (our recommended Free Legal Download available from
4. 1000 Bees: Kate Walsh
5. Chat with fellow double shortlisted Smedian Alan Regan
6. Storyfold: Delphine Wakes
7. Machine Gun Baby: Yes, I’ll Wait
8. Sullee J: Nothing Else Matters
9. Interview with Sullee J (recorded via Skype on 21/3/2010)
10. Simon Fagan: Damn Honey
11. Hitman Lord: I Drank As I
12. Everything Everything: My Keys Your Boyfriend
13. Marina & The Diamonds: Hollywood