The London Ear #460 with Andrew, Pursued by Dogs The London Ear on RTÉ 2XM November 25, 2023 2 min read
Hang On To Your Hats: It’s MDT! Music Interviews 8 min readMDT chat about a certain Britney Spears cover and give us a few musical tips from Deptford.
Adam Wedd Explains ‘Who We Are’ Music Interviews 5 min readAdam Wedd chats about his two new singles, how his songwriting has grown, collaboration and future plans.
Making Waves with Pity of The Sea Music Interviews 8 min readLimerick's Pity of The Sea chat about recording, collaboration and how we can embrace the arts.
Corella: Pulling The Strings With Their New Single ‘Puppets’ Music Interviews 4 min readNessy catches up with Manchester band Corella, to discuss their new single, Puppets, producing music at home and life in Lockdown.