First off – Happy birthday to my biggest little brother Barry who is ancient today ! hehe!!
Anyway, so quite a productive week so far. Got all my college assignments finished YAY! just in time .. Looking at the Buffy Website now there is a lot more I could have done and some bits I should have put in – ah well I’ll know not to next time.
Just finished doing some artwork for Pills For My Nerves who have a new single coming out.. happy with the results – I’m also going through the photos from my recent photoshoot with Hombre – Will have some up on Flickr later tonight! The Hombre website made by Nessy Productions 🙂 is almost nearly ready to go online too…
This Saturday sees me and my crew of trusty manhelpers, film the proceedings at the Irish Youth Music Awards! Should be a great day – looking forward to it but really nervous that I don’t screw anything up!
I also met with Tony from the band Chrome Horse last week – we’re going to be making a video for a song called ‘Death Row’ at the end of the month.
Finally… seven nights til I’m going to Paris!!! As well as the Exhibition in the Louvre David LaChapelle has an exhibition on at the Monnaie De Paris.. I did my assignment last week for Media Analysis with my favourite trekkie, Ciaran Flanagan – should post it up here – We compare an image of George Lucas with David LaChapelle’s Courtney Love: Pieta
… nessy out!